Thursday, April 22, 2010

simplified sampler submission guidelines.


these are the simplified and revised guidelines for sampler song submissions... except for no.6 which was no CMOs... but people rarely get the point so i rambled on.

ok... here they are.

1. set up a bandcamp (don't worry, it's free)
2. upload a master copy of a previously unreleased song to bandcamp.
3. mark it for free or pay what you want download.
4. send me a link to the track in a message on myspace.
5. easy as that.
6. oh yeah, i almost forgot... all check me outs will be disregarded... if you'd like me to "check you out", send me a link to a free ep download or something and i'll stop by... streaming poorly encoded songs on the myspace player isn't the real thing, so i rarely bother... i don't care for the image or self-proclaimed hype either - just the music.

if you want to know what i like which is pretty much everything... listen to the old samplers or giv'em a download... if you're trying too hard don't... i'm the last person you want to try and impress... just be yourself.

all the old samplers have been upped and are ready to go for free download or donate a little if you want to help future vinyl

listen with an open mind.


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